Shop online for Challengers!
We're doing all we can to raise funds for Challengers! You can now shop online on our personal website, and each time you do, you raise...
Challengers is an Official Worksite for YouthWorks
Yesterday, June 27, 2016 was the official start date for Participants who are enrolled in the YouthWorks Program! Challengers was...
Supervising for Quality Child Welfare Practice
Supervisory Roles, Competencies, and Processes That Promote Continuous Quality Improvement Supervisory responsibilities can be...
More Certification Jobs in Baltimore for Youth
Industry employment Professional and business services had the largest annual job gain among Baltimore’s supersectors, adding 13,200 jobs...
Navigating a Multigenerational Workforce...
For the first time in history, there are four generations – Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y - working side...
Facts about Foster Care
A blog post from CFR, the Center for Family Representation, based in New York City. Facts about Foster Care: NYC, the U.S., & Outcomes...
From the desk of the CEO
In our fifteenth year of service, Challengers is reminded that “It’s A Challenge, not a problem”. We should remember this quote, because...